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Self-Responder & First Aid Course

Join the Course
April 13, 20180900-Complete2 Hours
No one is coming its up to YOU

You have heard it before…We are our own 1st Responder. But Are YOU Ready??

Fact: If the First Responder could, they would be there…also FACT they wont be there when something happens to you or your family. You HAVE to be able to respond.

Ive seen it, and its terrible. I arrived on scene a massive car crash. Vehicles and bodies. NOT in IRAQ actually it was New Mexico, driving with my family. I did what I could but EMS was and hour away, due to our location. After that, I enrolled in an EMT course.
When I was overseas for the US Government I was fortunate to receive extensive medical training. No one was coming to help us IT WAS UP TO US.
Im grateful for the MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS that helped me and my team prepare.
Back home Ive heard countless stories, everyday people seeing terrible accidents and NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO.
Thats why this course was created.
Im SO Proud to Present Hard Point Training”s Self Responder Course. Its for you and your family.

Unconventional Training in an Ever-Changing World


Our Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Sunday: Closed

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